About Us

Sh. D. P. Jindal

This web site is developed and maintained by “Jindal Informatics” under the guidance of Dharam Pal Jinda, CEO Jindal Informtics. He has Educational Qualification of M.Com. CAIIB, LL.B. His law graduation is from University of Delhi after the graduation degree of B. Com (Hons.)

Sh. Jindal is a practicing advocate at District and Session Court, Faridabad. He looks after Criminal and Civil Cases. His specialization is in Consumer Complaints, Cheque Dishonor and Accident Claims. He is technology savvy, so he has got developed many web sites to spread the knowledge he has. “indianlaw.jiinfo.in” is one of these sites.

This site is related to Law, and Advocates as well as general public may take benefit from the site. There are Major Bare Acts made available to the Advocates as well difference forms and applications requred in day to day workings.

Sample applications, forms plaints are made available to the Registered Members.

A site for maintaing the Advocate Daily case Diary online and on mobile are available at “advdiary.in” One may use this diary for unlimited cases for one month as trial period to evaluate the functioning of the Advocate Case Diary Web Applicatiopn. After that one has to get subscription to use the diary.

Sh. Abhijeet Jindal

Sh. Abhijeet Jindal, MBA, BBA and 3 years diploma holder in Computer Science, is Manager at Jindal Informatics. He is looking after days to day activities of Jindal Informatics and reply to customer/advocates queries is his responsibility.

Sh. Shailja Jindal Nadgir

Saurabh Nadgir